Growing Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger gift plant)

The Christmas Rose is a hardy, deer-resistant garden plant that is willing to bloom indoors. The large, white flowers will generally open within 3-4 weeks of arrival and can last for two weeks or more.

Light: Provide partial shade or bright indirect light. An east- or a west-facing window is ideal.

Watering: Water when the potting mix is dry to the touch 1 inch below the surface. Avoid overwatering (which will cause the roots to rot and the leaves to yellow) or letting the potting mix dry out completely.

Temperature: Hellebores are adapted to cool temperatures, so place it in the coldest room in the house (a temperature of 55-60 degrees F is best). The cooler the room, the longer you’ll have flowers to enjoy.

Fertilizer: When plants are in active growth (April to September) apply a balanced (18-18-18) houseplant fertilizer monthly, diluted to 1/4-strength. If you transplant your Christmas Rose to the garden, fertilize it once a year in the spring with a balanced (10-10-10) granular fertilizer.

Continuing Care: In all but Gulf Coast areas (southeastern USDA Zones 9 and 10), Christmas Roses can be planted outdoors in spring in a shady location with humus-rich, well-drained soil. Continue to care for your potted plant through the winter and transplant it outside after the danger of frost has passed.