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Annuals for Sun

Annuals for Sun

Here you'll find the annuals we recommend for sunny sites. Of course, all plants require sunlight, but some varieties are happiest in indirect light or shade. The varieties featured here, on the other hand, are sun-lovers and prefer either part (at least 3-4 hours per day) or full sun.

Please see the Quick Facts on each variety page for details about the individual needs of particular plants.

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 Dahlia 'Strawberry Cream' Dahlia 'Strawberry Cream' SKU: S41209
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Sun Explosion' Dahlia 'Sun Explosion' SKU: S41118
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Sweet Nathalie' Dahlia 'Sweet Nathalie' SKU: S41157
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Sweet Suzanne' Dahlia 'Sweet Suzanne' SKU: S41052
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Sylvia' Dahlia 'Sylvia' SKU: S40914
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Taiheijo' Dahlia 'Taiheijo' SKU: S41003
From $13.95
 Dahlia 'Take Off' Dahlia 'Take Off' SKU: S41053
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Teesbrooke Audrey' Dahlia 'Teesbrooke Audrey' SKU: S41153
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Thomas Edison' Dahlia 'Thomas Edison' SKU: S40990
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Totally Tangerine' Dahlia 'Totally Tangerine' SKU: S41155
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Tropical' Dahlia 'Tropical' SKU: S40913
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Vassio Meggos' Dahlia 'Vassio Meggos' SKU: S41211
From $13.95
 Dahlia 'Verrone's Obsidian' Dahlia 'Verrone's Obsidian' SKU: S41148
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Vulcan' Dahlia 'Vulcan' SKU: S41054
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda' Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda' SKU: S41131
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'White Onesta' Dahlia 'White Onesta' SKU: S40918
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'White Perfection' Dahlia 'White Perfection' SKU: S41072
From $13.95
 Dahlia 'Wizard of Oz' Dahlia 'Wizard of Oz' SKU: S41083
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Zundert Mystery Fox' Dahlia 'Zundert Mystery Fox' SKU: S41210
From $12.95
 Debutante Dahlia Trio Debutante Dahlia Trio SKU: S83320
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