Gladiolus 'Break of Dawn'
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Gladiolus 'Break of Dawn'

Gladiolus 'Break of Dawn'

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SKU: S41801
12 for $12.95
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Quick Facts
Common Name: Gladiola
Hardiness Zone: Annual Exposure: Sun to Part Shade
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Blooms In: Jul-Sep
Mature Height: 32-40" Spacing: 5"
Read our Growing Guide Ships as: BULB
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Product Details

The frilly, funnel-shaped flowers of Gladiolus 'Break of Dawn' are gleaming white with pastel yellow centers, and they create a sunny sunrise amid a stand of sword-shaped, gray-green foliage.

Gladiolus plants are tender flowering plants that grow from corms. Mainly from South Africa, tropical Africa and the Mediterranean area, these heat lovers are often referred to as "sword lilies" for their distinctive upright leaf blades and tall flower spikes.

Membership in the Iridaceae family (the word "iris" means rainbow) only hints at the astonishing range of colors displayed in the large, funnel-shaped ruffled blooms of their many species and cultivars.




The size of the plants we ship has been selected to reduce the shock of transplanting. For some, this means a large, bareroot crown. Others cannot travel bareroot or transplant best if grown in containers. We ship these perennials and annuals in 1 pint pots, except as noted. We must point out that many perennials will not bloom the first year after planting, but will the following year, amply rewarding your patience. We ship bulbs as dormant, bare bulbs, sometimes with some wood shavings or moss. Shrubs, Roses, vines, and other woody plants may be shipped bareroot or in pots. The size of the pot is noted in the quick facts for each item.


We ship our bulbs and plants at the right time for planting in your area, except as noted, with orders dispatched on a first-come, first-served basis by climate zone. We also ship a wide range of containers and planters, tools, supplies, fertilizers, garden wear, garden decor items, as well as indoor decorations like wreaths and dried bouquets when available. Estimated dates for shipping are indicated in the green Shipping Details box for each item. Please supply a street address for delivery. Kindly contact us with two weeks notice, if you'll be away at the expected time of delivery.


We guarantee to ship plants that are in prime condition for growing. If your order is damaged or fails to meet your expectations, we will cheerfully replace or refund it. Please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-503-9624 or email us at [email protected]. Please include your order number or customer number when contacting us.



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Growing guide

Growing guide
Print Grow Guide

Latin Name Pronunciation: glad-ee-oh-luhs 

Plant gladiolus corms after the last frost in your area. They prefer full sun, but will grow in part shade, although they may get leggy in shade and need to be staked. "Glads" take 70-100 days from planting to bloom, depending on variety, so be patient. Grow them in clumps in perennial garden beds for a late summer boost of color or in rows to use as cut flowers.

Corms are starchy storage structures, similar to bulbs, which increase vegetatively by forming multiple offsets. Plant flat side down, pointed side up, about 6" deep, in average-to-rich easily worked soil. Press down the soil firmly and water them in when planting. Although moderately drought tolerant, consistent moisture will produce better blooms. Gladiolus are grown as annuals in cold weather zones but corms can be lifted and stored until spring. Digging and storing is recommended even where they are hardy. In fall, when plants die back, carefully dig the corms and cut the stem, leaving an inch attached. Clean off the soil and remains of the old corm, saving the new ones that have formed around the base. Dry corms in a warm dry place with good air circulation. Once dry, store in mesh bags with dry wood shavings in a location that remains dry and cold but doesn't freeze. Replant.