Growing Coreopsis


Growing Coreopsis transcript

I'm here next to Coreopsis 'Zagreb.' Coreopsis is a large genus with Daisy-like flowers that are effective in the front of the border, the middle of the border, or the back of the border. They're also great in wildflower gardens and meadows.

The common name for Coreopsis is Tickseed, because its seeds look like ticks. They are very deer resistant and drought tolerant once established.

Coreopsis are not the least fussy about soil, but do require full sun. If you have a sandy or rocky area in full sun, try a thread-leaf tickseed, which will thrive in those conditions.

Coreopsis is appreciated for its long bloom period. Most species have yellow, daisy-like flowers, but in recent years, growers have been hybridizing new combinations to include ruby red blooms and striking bi-color combinations.

Nice companions to plant with Coreopsis are Echinacea, Nepeta and Salvia.

Cut stems of Coreopsis back after the first flush of flowers fade to promote a repeat bloom. Divide Tickseed every three years in spring or early fall to maintain their vigor. Do not prune all the way back for winter as the stems left standing will protect the crowns.

Coreopsis make excellent cut flowers. This is a great plant to have in your garden. For all the varieies of Coreopsis we offer and growing instructions, visit our website.