Growing Wisteria (Wisteria) - Vine
Latin Name Pronunciation: wis-teer'ee-uh
Grow Wisteria in full sun (or partial shade in the South and West) and average garden soil. Fertilize only if your soil is exceptionally poor.
Wisterias are very vigorous; they require an especially strong support that can withstand the stranglehold of the woody stems. To control growth and to encourage flowering, prune frequently but lightly during summer; then cut each side shoot back to just 5–6 buds in late summer or early fall. Remove suckers (shoots arising from the base of the main stem) as soon as they appear.
Vines climb by means of twining stems (W. floribunda twines from right to left, W. sinensis from left to right).
Please note: Wisterias are generally slow to break dormancy after planting. Please be prepared to wait until early summer for your plant to leaf out. In subsequent years, it will leaf out at the normal time (midspring).