Collaboration for Part Shade for the North - Daffodils & Hosta
Collaboration for Part Shade for the North - Daffodils & Hosta

Collaboration for Part Shade for the North - Daffodils & Hosta

SKU: F983096
1 for $124.00
Quick Facts
Common Name: Plantain Lily, Daffodil Collection
Hardiness Zone: 3-7S/9W Exposure: Part Shade
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Blooms In: Apr-May & Jul-Sep
Mature Height: 6-26" Ships as: BAREROOT
Fragrance: Yes
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Shipping Details Shipment begins in early September 2024, depending on your zone. See shipping tab for details
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Product Details

Do you have an area that receives sun in the spring but becomes shady later on when deciduous trees unfurl their leaves, or do you have a garden that faces east and only receives morning light? If so, it’s a perfect spot to grow Daffodils and Hostas together. In the fall, we’ll ship 100 bulbs of The Works Daffodils for the North and 20 bareroot plants of our Emerald Isle Hosta Collection. One collection covers about 55–60 sq ft.

The Works is a mixture of 30 top-quality varieties blended to provide the widest possible range of color, form, and bloom time. Among the assortment are colorful Trumpets, hardy Large-cups, ruffled Split-cups, as well as dainty and fragrant Tazettas and Cyclamineus varieties. Planted at the edge of a woodland or along a path, The Works is ideal for naturalizing. In smaller yards, the bulbs can be sprinkled throughout garden beds and planted alongside the mailbox and front door. They settle in quickly, bloom beautifully their first year, and then increase their numbers in the kind of sunny, well-drained site they like. This mix provides a permanent display that is immune to pests and the weather, and will never be touched by deer. Best of all, these large bulbs are easy to grow and require little maintenance. The Works is our best-selling Daffodil collection, with dozens of glowing reviews from customers who keep coming back for more.

The Emerald Isle Hosta collection offers 20 bareroot plants, five each of four varieties that collectively comprise the deep colors, smooth textures, and elegant traceries found in the best Hostas. In shade or partial shade, and practically any soil, these rugged plants will prosper formidably and create a summer oasis.




The size of the plants we ship has been selected to reduce the shock of transplanting. For some, this means a large, bareroot crown. Others cannot travel bareroot or transplant best if grown in containers. We ship these perennials and annuals in 1 pint pots, except as noted. We must point out that many perennials will not bloom the first year after planting, but will the following year, amply rewarding your patience. We ship bulbs as dormant, bare bulbs, sometimes with some wood shavings or moss. Shrubs, Roses, vines, and other woody plants may be shipped bareroot or in pots. The size of the pot is noted in the quick facts for each item.


We ship our bulbs and plants at the right time for planting in your area, except as noted, with orders dispatched on a first-come, first-served basis by climate zone. We also ship a wide range of containers and planters, tools, supplies, fertilizers, garden wear, garden decor items, as well as indoor decorations like wreaths and dried bouquets when available. Estimated dates for shipping are indicated in the green Shipping Details box for each item. Please supply a street address for delivery. Kindly contact us with two weeks notice, if you'll be away at the expected time of delivery.


We guarantee to ship plants that are in prime condition for growing. If your order is damaged or fails to meet your expectations, we will cheerfully replace or refund it. Please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-503-9624 or email us at [email protected]. Please include your order number or customer number when contacting us.



Average Customer Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars (2 Reviews) Write a Review

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Deer candy

Planted at least 4-5 dozen daffodils (Tahiti and Winston Churchill are my favorite) and they are such a delight after a long dark winter. The Hosta cannot survive the deer. Mine all had to be clipped clear back early because they looked so decimated. Nice idea but not reasonable if deer are problematic.
Response from White Flower Farm — 10 months ago (11/07/23 08:33AM)

Thank you for pointing out this error, we agree deer love our hosta at the farm too, we have updated this item to remove all references to deer resistance

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Deer Love Hosta

It is not accurate nor fair to call any collection comprised chiefly of hosta (daffodils will disappear early in the growing season) deer resistant. Hosta are an absolute favorite of deer (hosta = deer candy)
Response from White Flower Farm — 10 months ago (11/07/23 08:34AM)

Thank you for pointing out this error, we have updated this item to remove all references to deer resistance.

12 of 13 people found this review helpful. Do you? yes no


Growing Hosta