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For excitement in June, consider buying Poppies, whose ruffled and shimmering petals pack more pigment than you can imagine. Plant Poppies in groups in a sunny, well-drained position and match them with summer bloomers or annuals that spread out and will conceal their early dormancy. Poppies also make stunning cut flowers if you sear the ends of freshly cut stems with a match. Only shipped for fall planting.

 Papaver orientale 'Aglaja' Papaver orientale 'Aglaja' SKU: F35548
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Central Park' Papaver orientale 'Central Park' SKU: F35556
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Doubloon' Papaver orientale 'Doubloon' SKU: F35581
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Eye Catcher' Papaver orientale 'Eye Catcher' SKU: F35557
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Goliath' Papaver orientale 'Goliath' SKU: F35587
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Harvest Moon' Papaver orientale 'Harvest Moon' SKU: F35560
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Marlene' Papaver orientale 'Marlene' SKU: F35562
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding' Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding' SKU: F35618
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Snow Goose' Papaver orientale 'Snow Goose' SKU: F35572
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Türkenlouis' Papaver orientale 'Türkenlouis' SKU: F35620
From $19.00
 Papaver orientale 'Watermelon' Papaver orientale 'Watermelon' SKU: F35624
From $19.00