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It's hard to orchestrate a proper beginning or finish to the growing season without including Anemones in your plan. Blooms are either pink or white, with golden stamens in the center. The foliage is a deep green, pleasing to look at all summer, and rarely bothered by pests or disease. Anemones thrive in deep, rich, moist soil. Once established they will fill in any available space, though these plants are far too charming to be called invasive.

 Anemone 'Curtain Call Deep Rose' Anemone 'Curtain Call Deep Rose' SKU: S22930
From $19.00
New Item:  Anemone Dainty Swan Anemone Dainty Swan SKU: S22924
From $19.00
 Anemone sylvestris Anemone sylvestris SKU: S22955
From $17.00
 Anemone x hybrida 'Robustissima' Anemone x hybrida 'Robustissima' SKU: S22960
From $19.00
 Moon Garden Moon Garden SKU: S83990