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Hard-to-Find Annuals

Hard-to-Find Annuals

Finding interesting and unusual annuals for your garden can be a challenge. While many stores carry a selection of common annual plants, it’s harder to locate varieties that are distinctive and less well known. At White Flower Farm, we’ve made a point of offering hard-to-find annuals, partly because we love to garden with them ourselves, and because it offers us a chance to introduce them to gardeners who may not have seen them before or who have trouble tracking them down. Scroll below, and discover some beautiful, rare finds for your garden.

 Dahlia 'Arbatax' Dahlia 'Arbatax' SKU: S40907
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Bright Eyes' Dahlia 'Bright Eyes' SKU: S41085
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Crème de Cassis' Dahlia 'Crème de Cassis' SKU: S41137
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Emory Paul' Dahlia 'Emory Paul' SKU: S41154
From $13.95
 Dahlia 'Engelhardt's Matador' Dahlia 'Engelhardt's Matador' SKU: S41011
From $12.95
 Dahlia 'Hamari Gold' Dahlia 'Hamari Gold' SKU: S41004
From $13.95
 Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda' Dahlia 'Waltzing Mathilda' SKU: S41131
From $12.95