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Hybrid Tomatoes

Hybrid Tomatoes

Hybrid Tomatoes are bred from two different parent varieties to have particular traits or characteristics selected by plant breeders, such as color, taste, uniformity, or ripening time. They often exhibit exceptional vigor and disease resistance, which can result in higher yields. A number of these Tomato plant hybrids have been around for a long time and have become garden favorites.

We apologize but due to agricultural restrictions we cannot ship Tomatoes to Georgia, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina or Texas.

 Tomato 'Carmello' Tomato 'Carmello' SKU: S4860
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Celebrity' Tomato 'Celebrity' SKU: S4903
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Five Star Grape' Tomato 'Five Star Grape' SKU: S5209
From $8.00
 Tomato 'GinFiz' Tomato 'GinFiz' SKU: S4869
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Husky Red' Tomato 'Husky Red' SKU: S5000
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Juliet' Tomato 'Juliet' SKU: S4864
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Mountain Magic' Tomato 'Mountain Magic' SKU: S5208
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Ramapo' Tomato 'Ramapo' SKU: S5031
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Sungold' Tomato 'Sungold' SKU: S4888
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Sweet Baby Girl' Tomato 'Sweet Baby Girl' SKU: S5073
From $8.00