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Midsize Tomatoes

Midsize Tomatoes

The plants below produce midsize Tomatoes that average around 6–12 oz; these varieties are just the right size and shape for slicing and canning.

We apologize but due to agricultural restrictions we cannot ship Tomatoes to Georgia, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina or Texas.

 Tomato 'Amish Paste' Tomato 'Amish Paste' SKU: S4957
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Carmello' Tomato 'Carmello' SKU: S4860
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Husky Red' Tomato 'Husky Red' SKU: S5000
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Paul Robeson' Tomato 'Paul Robeson' SKU: S4929
From $8.00
 Tomato 'Ramapo' Tomato 'Ramapo' SKU: S5031
From $8.00
 Tomato 'San Marzano' Tomato 'San Marzano' SKU: S4931
From $8.00