For most people, the word Iris conjures up visions of brilliant June flowers, for perennial Irises are among the best known and loved of garden plants. This huge genus contains upward of 300 species, which range from timid and inconspicuous wildings to splendid Tall Bearded Iris (some of which rebloom in the late summer). Iris' preferred habitats range from standing water to formal borders, and there is scarcely a shade or combination of colors that can’t be found.
We offer several types of Iris. Siberian Iris (I. sibirica) and Japanese Iris (I. ensata) are shipped for both spring and fall planting. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris x germanica) are sold as bareroot plants in the fall, with select varieties also available as potted plants in the spring.
See each variety for further detail.