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Perennial Allium

Perennial Allium

The genus Allium (the Latin means "garlic") offers colorful, distinctive, and long-lasting forms that are literal and playful standouts in any garden. The globe- or umbrella-shaped flower heads, each made up of tiny florets, are as attractive to pollinators as they are to human admirers. Alliums are available in two general categories: Allium Bulbs are planted in fall. They are perennial plants that flower in early summer, after which their foliage dies back and plants remain dormant until the following spring.

Herbaceous Alliums are perennial plants with fibrous roots and foliage that remains attractive throughout the season, adding a welcome vertical accent to sunny borders. Herbaceous Alliums flower later than the bulb types, in mid- to late summer.

The showiest and best-known Alliums are the bulb varieties with large, purple, globe-shaped flowers (among them are Alliums ‘Globemaster,’ ‘Gladiator,’ and ‘Purple Sensation’), but the range of color offered by these plants includes yellow, blue, pink, and white. All varieties make excellent cut flowers. When the blossoms are spent, the drying seed heads continue to add interest to borders and bouquets.  Alliums prefer full sun and well-drained, even sandy, soil. Deer, mice, chipmunks, and related predators generally avoid them. Tuck bulb-form varieties amid clumps of summer-flowering perennials so their withering foliage will be hidden by their neighbors’ growth. Use herbaceous varieties such as Allium ‘Millenium’ and ‘Blue Eddy’ at the edges of borders where they offer fabulous flower heads and spiky foliage over a full season.

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