Tree Peony
Tree Peonies are not actually trees but, rather, woody shrubs that flower in mid-spring, ahead of Herbaceous and Itoh Peonies. Cultivated for centuries, they are treasured, collected, and revered for their magnificent and multitudinous blossoms. Today’s hybrids (the best known being those of Paeonia suffruticosa) are descendants of about 10 species native primarily to China. The silken flowers range in size from a few inches in diameter to 9” or more. Mature plants may produce as many as 50 blossoms in a single season. Flower colors include various shades of white, pink, red, lavender, and yellow. Distinct from Herbaceous and Itoh Peonies, the stems of Tree Peonies remain above ground during winter. They resprout in spring and do not require pruning except minimally for shaping or to remove dead stems. The deeply divided foliage remains green throughout the growing season, forming an attractive background for neighboring plants. Long-lived Tree Peonies thrive in morning sun with dappled shade in the afternoon. Late-day shade is required in gardens in the South and warm areas of western Zone 9.
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