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Impression Tulips

Impression Tulips

Impression Tulips have similar heights, midseason bloom times, and good vigor. They are cousins of the robust Darwin Hybrids, with tall, strong stems bearing large, luminous blooms. They also have the Darwin Hybrids' tendency to bloom for three or more years. To assure optimum success we recommend the basics of good Tulip culture: plant 8" deep, fertilize in spring and fall, deadhead after bloom, allow leaves to yellow before removing, and provide minimal watering in summer.


 Impression Mix of Tulips Impression Mix of Tulips SKU: F977242
From $25.00
 Tulip 'Apricot Impression' Tulip 'Apricot Impression' SKU: F242412
 Tulip 'Blushing Impression' Tulip 'Blushing Impression' SKU: F241561
 Tulip 'Red Impression' Tulip 'Red Impression' SKU: F244602