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Triumph Tulips

Triumph Tulips

Triumph Tulips are crosses between early and late-blooming singles, and offer the widest range of colors of any Tulip group. Their single blooms (early to midseason) and medium-length stems work well in containers. Triumph Tulips are good for forcing in winter, too.

 Tulip 'Apricot Foxx' Tulip 'Apricot Foxx' SKU: F210138
On Sale:  Tulip 'Beauty Trend' Tulip 'Beauty Trend' SKU: F210164
$17.00 $13.60
 Tulip 'Cairo' Tulip 'Cairo' SKU: F230750
 Tulip 'Hugs & Kisses' Tulip 'Hugs & Kisses' SKU: F241555
 Tulip 'Infinity' Tulip 'Infinity' SKU: F210130
On Sale:  Tulip 'Kansas Proud' Tulip 'Kansas Proud' SKU: F210168
$17.00 $13.60
 Tulip 'Lemon Chiffon' Tulip 'Lemon Chiffon' SKU: F241550
 Tulip 'Paul Scherer' Tulip 'Paul Scherer' SKU: F251913