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Spring Flowering Shrubs

Spring Flowering Shrubs

When spring-flowering shrubs begin to blossom in the garden, it always feels like a celebration. Winter has been vanquished, and months of sunny days and flower-filled gardens lie ahead. To enjoy the seasonal celebration in your yard and garden, consider incorporating early flowering shrubs into your landscape. Here at the farm, one of the first shrubs to show its color is Rhododendron ‘Cornell Pink,’ a hard-to-find treasure that erupts in a cloud of dazzling pink blossoms that are beautiful on their own and further enhanced by a sprinkling of yellow-flowering Daffodils. Lilacs blossom soon after, filling the air with fragrance, and the glorious, revitalizing pageant of spring is underway. To rouse your garden from its winter sleep, incorporate some of the shrubs you see here into your garden beds and landscape. The show they provide is memorable, and it gets better every year.