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New for Fall

New for Fall

The lovely succession of bloom you see in all successful gardens begins with a bit of planning and fall planting. The colorful bulbs that delight everyone in spring are planted in fall. So too are beloved Tall Bearded Iris and Peonies.

The plants you see here include the best of the new bulbs we found on our travels to Holland as well as top-performing perennials and shrubs. During the fall season, you’ll also find autumn-inspired home decorations along with interesting tools and supplies.

Order soon for the best selection, and make next season’s garden your most beautiful ever.

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New Item:  Bookend Planters Bookend Planters SKU: F49215
On Sale:  Clematis Guernsey Flute™ Clematis Guernsey Flute™ SKU: F26551
$25.00 $20.00
On Sale:  Narcissus 'Hawaiian Skies' Narcissus 'Hawaiian Skies' SKU: F140763
$22.00 $17.60
On Sale:  Narcissus 'Shrike' Narcissus 'Shrike' SKU: F140766
$22.00 $17.60
On Sale:  Narcissus 'Yellow Parrot' Narcissus 'Yellow Parrot' SKU: F140768
$19.00 $15.20
On Sale:  Peony 'Amalia Olson' Peony 'Amalia Olson' SKU: F35485
$30.00 $24.00
On Sale:  Peony 'Claire de Lune' Peony 'Claire de Lune' SKU: F35486
$28.00 $22.40
On Sale:  Peony 'Colonel Owen Cousins' Peony 'Colonel Owen Cousins' SKU: F35487
$60.00 $48.00
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