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Herbaceous Peonies

Herbaceous Peonies

Herbaceous Peonies have been beloved by gardeners since their initial cultivation in ancient China. They are cherished for large, silken, often fragrant blooms that appear in late spring (June for us) atop a mound of deep green, dissected foliage that persists throughout the growing season. The plants die back to the ground each fall but return in spring year after year, securing their reputation as one of the most durable, carefree, and longest-lived perennials. (Plants may live 100 years or more.) Herbaceous Peony flowers exhibit an array of forms from Singles to Doubles and Bomb-style to Anemone. Colors range from white, pink, magenta, and maroon to a newer spectrum, produced by hybridization, that includes bright red, mahogany, coral, and yellow. Herbaceous Peonies are must-haves for perennial beds and borders. They pair beautifully with a broad array of other perennials and are a particularly splendid companion for Tall Bearded Iris. Use Herbaceous Peonies to line a fence, path, or driveway or plant them amid perennials and shrubs in a mixed border or cut-flower garden. The flowers are superb for bouquets.

Please note: Peonies are shipped for fall planting.

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