North American Native Hydrangeas
The Hydrangeas represented on this page are all native to North America. They are members of two species, H. arborescens (Smooth Hydrangea) and H. quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangea). These shrubs are found in moist woods, along riverbanks, and in other sites with partial shade and organically rich soil. We are pleased to offer cultivated varieties of each for use in gardens. Besides being adapted to a variety of local soils and climate conditions, these versatile, low-maintenance shrubs support pollinators and other wildlife. Consider combining them with other native plants, including bulbs and perennials, to create an environmentally beneficial mixed border or foundation planting. They may also be used for informal hedges, at the edge of woodlands, and in naturalistic gardens. For more information about plants native to your area, we encourage you to contact your local Cooperative Extension service.