We offer both Herbaceous and Tree Peonies, and occasionally Intersectional, or Itoh Peonies which are a cross between the two. Herbaceous Peonies die back to the ground in winter and send up new growth in the spring. There are few garden plants more rewarding than the Herbaceous Peony. The flowers range from exquisitely delicate singles to large and lush doubles, and the plants are among the longest-lived perennials, often lasting for generations. They produce an extravagant display in our gardens in early June, regardless of weather. We ship each in bareroot form, which means you receive a section of healthy, vigorous rootstock. Plant it according to instructions, and give your Peony a year to settle in. Expect your first few flowers in the second or third year. The blossom count will continue to climb as your Peony comes of age.
Tree Peonies, listed below with their botanical designation Paeonia suffruticosa, are woody plants that retain their structure year-round. Tree Peonies are slow to mature—don't be surprised if there are few or no flowers the first spring after planting; plants generally take a few years to settle in and bloom heavily.
Please note: Peonies on this page are shipped for fall planting.
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