Eucomis (Pineapple Lily)

Latin Name Pronunciation: yew-koe’miss

The blooms of this South African native are clustered in a barrel-shaped spike and crowned with a tuft of leaves, which explains why this bulb is better known as the Pineapple Lily. Its strap-shaped leaves are striking in the garden or in containers, particularly when combined with brightly flowered annuals of a finer texture.
In spring, after the danger of frost has passed, plant bulbs 4–6” deep in well-drained soil in a sunny location. Plant in groups for the best effect, spacing the bulbs approximately 6” apart.

If growing in containers, plant 1 bulb in a 5–6” pot, or try 3–5 bulbs in a 12" pot for a fuller display. Arrange the bulbs in the container just below the surface and cover with potting mix.
Fully hardy to Zone 7, these bulbs may overwinter in Zone 6 with a thick blanket of mulch. Gardeners in colder climates should dig up the bulbs in the fall, dry them, remove old leaves, and store the bulbs above freezing until time to plant again. If grown in a pot, remove the bulbs from the pot in the fall, allow them to dry out, and then store them in dry peat moss or sand in a cool, dry location (above freezing). Repot bulbs into fresh potting mix in the spring, begin watering, and place outdoors after the danger of frost has passed.