Peach Calla Lily
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Peach Calla Lily

Peach Calla Lily

Quick Facts
Common Name: Calla Lily
Hardiness Zone: 1-13S/W Exposure: Houseplants - High Light
Blooms In: Mar-Apr
Mature Height: 12-24" Read our Growing Guide
Ships Weather Permitting Ships as: NURSERY POT AND BASKET
Delivery Window

Product Details

Product Details

The warm peach tones of our long-blooming Calla Lily are a beautiful and unusual way to showcase autumn colors indoors. The funnel-shaped blossoms appear amid contrasting green leaves that are freckled in white. The dark coffee-colored Sumatra basket provides a companionable backdrop for the Calla and for other seasonal ornaments including white and orange pumpkins and gourds of all colors. The Calla blooms last for up to 3 weeks. Shipped in a 7" wide x 5 1/2" tall Sumatra basket.

The South African genus Zantedeschia is enjoying a fresh wave of popularity. The flowers are graceful and durable, lasting up to 3 weeks on the plant and fully 2 weeks in a vase in water. Calla Lilies flourish in full sun or partial shade and moist, even wet, soil. In cold-winter climates, they make excellent potted plants. For more information, click on Growing Guide.



WEATHER PERMITTING - Working with Mother Nature

In our business, we work closely with Mother Nature. In the colder months when we stipulate that an item is shipped “weather permitting”, that means temperatures outside our shipping facility in northwestern Connecticut and along the shipping route must be warm enough for tender plants to survive in unheated delivery trucks. Our practice of waiting for windows of milder weather may result in the occasional delay, but our customers tend to appreciate the care we take to make certain their plants arrive in the very best possible condition. Questions? Don’t hesitate to call our customer service staff at 1-800-411-6159.


The size of the plants we ship has been selected to reduce the shock of transplanting. For some, this means a large, bareroot crown. Others cannot travel bareroot or transplant best if grown in containers. We ship these perennials and annuals in 1 pint pots, except as noted. We must point out that many perennials will not bloom the first year after planting, but will the following year, amply rewarding your patience. We ship bulbs as dormant, bare bulbs, sometimes with some wood shavings or moss. Shrubs, Roses, vines, and other woody plants may be shipped bareroot or in pots. The size of the pot is noted in the quick facts for each item.


We ship our bulbs and plants at the right time for planting in your area, except as noted, with orders dispatched on a first-come, first-served basis by climate zone. We also ship a wide range of containers and planters, tools, supplies, fertilizers, garden wear, garden decor items, as well as indoor decorations like wreaths and dried bouquets when available. Estimated dates for shipping are indicated in the green Shipping Details box for each item. Please supply a street address for delivery. Kindly contact us with two weeks notice, if you'll be away at the expected time of delivery.


We guarantee to ship plants that are in prime condition for growing. If your order is damaged or fails to meet your expectations, we will cheerfully replace or refund it. Please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-503-9624 or email us at [email protected]. Please include your order number or customer number when contacting us.



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Growing guide

Growing guide
Print Grow Guide

Set the pot in a sunny window (preferably one that faces south) where your plant will receive 6 or more hours of direct sun each day. Calla Lilies are one of the few houseplants that thrive in wet potting mix. Feel the soil in the pot. If the soil is moist, the plant does not need more water. If the soil feels dry, add water. Bloom begins about 8-16 weeks after arrival, depending upon the amount of light the plant receives. In summer, move the plant outdoors to a spot in full sun (partial shade is best in the South and warm inland areas of the West). Bring indoors before frost. In areas where winter lows do not drop below 10°F, you can plant your Calla Lily in the ground in spring in an evenly moist location.