Growing Palms (Houseplants)
Palms are attractive ornamentals throughout the world in tropical or Mediterranean-like climates. Many are easy-to-grow houseplants in colder regions and will produce new glossy, dark green leaves each year. The mature plant height of our houseplants reflects what we expect the plant to grow under normal houseplant conditions. The instructions below are for growing indoors.
LIGHT: Provide your plant with plenty of light near a south- or west-facing window.
WATERING: Water thoroughly when the surface of the soil mix is dry to the touch. Plants require less water during the winter months when they are not actively growing.
TEMPERATURE: Provide room temperatures above 50°F.
FERTILIZER: When plants are in active growth from April through September, use a balanced (18-18-18) houseplant fertilizer monthly, diluted to half strength.