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Zone 3 & 4 Bulbs

Zone 3 & 4 Bulbs

We want to make choosing which bulbs to plant easier, so we have included all the bulbs we offer for USDA Hardiness Zones 3-4 in a single, convenient location. As some of the most northerly regions of the United States, these Zones offer a short growing season and deep winter freezes. Check the growing instructions for spring-planted bulbs, as those with large blooms may benefit from a head start indoors. Only extremely cold-hardy fall bulbs can be planted as perennials in Zones 3 and 4: Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, and Snowdrops are popular options that usher in the spring with their welcome blooms. Consult our Hardiness Zones page to find your Zone and to learn more.

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