Growing Ptilotus

Latin Name Pronunciation: tih-lo' tus

Ptilotus is native to Australia and thrives in hot, dry climates. It is a short-lived perennial that is often grown as a summer-blooming annual. This relatively low-maintenance plant requires full sun and thrives in average to sandy, well-drained soil. It is drought tolerant once established. Its upright habit and unique flowers make it excellent for the middle to back of borders, in mixed containers, and in rock gardens, making a beautiful contrast to other annuals. Plants bloom from summer to fall and flowers attract bees and butterflies and are good for cutting. Deadheading will encourage new flowers and will also help plants appear more attractive as older blooms can appear tattered. No serious insect or disease problems, although they can be susceptible to root rot. Perennial in Zones 10-11.

For information on planting and care of annuals, click Annuals.