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North American Native Plants

North American Native Plants

All gardeners know they are never alone in the garden. Insects, birds, earthworms, fungi, deer, voles, and many other creatures may visit or live among the plants and in the soil. The greater the diversity of plants in your garden, the greater the amount of life it may support. By including native plants in your landscape, you can supply local wildlife, such as butterflies, with the food and habitat they need for survival. Native plants are well adapted to local conditions and will often thrive with less care than a non-native plant.

The varieties featured below are native to North America, or are improved selections of North American native plants. Contact your local Cooperative Extension office for information on plants native to your specific region.

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 Mertensia virginica Mertensia virginica SKU: S34085
From $20.00
 Monarda 'Jacob Cline' Monarda 'Jacob Cline' SKU: S34298
From $19.00
 Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' SKU: S34303
From $19.00
 Monarda Bee-You® Bee Happy™ Monarda Bee-You® Bee Happy™ SKU: S34299
From $19.00
 Monarda didyma 'Purple Rooster' Monarda didyma 'Purple Rooster' SKU: S34309
From $19.00
 Monarda didyma Grand Parade™ Monarda didyma Grand Parade™ SKU: S34311
From $19.00
 Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace' Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace' SKU: S34289
From $19.00
 Nassella tenuissima Nassella tenuissima SKU: S30075
From $19.00
 Native Fern Sampler Native Fern Sampler SKU: S82072
 Native Meadow Garden Native Meadow Garden SKU: S83627
 Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinnamon Fern Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinnamon Fern SKU: S29077
From $20.00
 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' SKU: S30048
From $19.00
 Penstemon Quartz® Red Penstemon Quartz® Red SKU: S35707
From $19.00
 Phlox 'Bedazzled Lavender' Phlox 'Bedazzled Lavender' SKU: S36003
From $20.00
 Phlox 'Fashionably Early Crystal' Phlox 'Fashionably Early Crystal' SKU: S36007
From $18.00
 Phlox 'Fashionably Early Flamingo' Phlox 'Fashionably Early Flamingo' SKU: S36032
From $19.00
 Phlox 'Fashionably Early Princess' Phlox 'Fashionably Early Princess' SKU: S36033
From $19.00
 Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' SKU: S36023
From $19.00
 Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes' Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes' SKU: S36029
From $18.00
 Phlox paniculata 'David' Phlox paniculata 'David' SKU: S36036
From $17.00
 Phlox paniculata 'Jeana' Phlox paniculata 'Jeana' SKU: S36018
From $18.00
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