Growing Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
Latin Name Pronunciation: ham-uh-mel'is
When everything else is drab and dreary in late winter, Witch Hazels light up the woodland garden with their lacy blooms that look like crepe paper. These vigorous shrubs have great architecture for all-season interest, and the flowers are often delightfully fragrant. Many cutivars offer vibrant fall color in shades of yellow, red, and orange.
Light/Watering: Grow in full sun to light shade in moist, well-drained soil.
Fertilizer/Soil and pH: Most are pH adaptable, but prefer acidic to neutral soil.
Pests/Diseases: Generally untroubled by insects or disease, but occasionally powdery mildew can be a problem.
Companions: Underplant with Hellebores and spring flowering bulbs. Excellent combined with an evergreen ground cover such as Lily Turf (Liriope).