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Fragrant Plants

Fragrant Plants

Delight the senses with fragrant plants in your garden. We usually appreciate flowers with our eyes, as we admire their colors and shapes. Scent may be invisible, but it adds an important dimension to the pleasures of gardening. With a bit of planning, the fragrant blossoms these plants and bulbs produce will give your garden that extra dimension, from spring's sweet Viburnums to exquisite midsummer Lilies to the last Roses of summer. Place them where you can enjoy their scent as you pass by.
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 Lantana camara SunDance™ Pink Lantana camara SunDance™ Pink SKU: S75567
From $12.00
 Lilium 'Beijing Moon' Lilium 'Beijing Moon' SKU: S381459
From $21.00
 Lilium 'Black Beauty' Lilium 'Black Beauty' SKU: S381375
From $21.00
 Lilium 'Casa Blanca' Lilium 'Casa Blanca' SKU: S381378
From $21.00
 Lilium 'Leslie Woodriff' Lilium 'Leslie Woodriff' SKU: S381078
From $36.00
 Lilium 'Magnifique' Lilium 'Magnifique' SKU: S381076
From $23.00
 Lilium 'Silk Road' Lilium 'Silk Road' SKU: S381480
From $36.00
 Lilium speciosum rubrum Lilium speciosum rubrum SKU: S381478
From $36.00
 Lindera benzoin Lindera benzoin SKU: S64541
From $39.00
 Lobularia Lavender Stream™ Lobularia Lavender Stream™ SKU: S75903
From $12.00
 Lobularia Silver Stream™ Lobularia Silver Stream™ SKU: S75906
From $12.00
 Monarda 'Jacob Cline' Monarda 'Jacob Cline' SKU: S34298
From $19.00
 Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' SKU: S34303
From $19.00
 Monarda Bee-You® Bee Happy™ Monarda Bee-You® Bee Happy™ SKU: S34299
From $19.00
 Monarda didyma 'Purple Rooster' Monarda didyma 'Purple Rooster' SKU: S34309
From $19.00
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