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Fragrant Plants

Fragrant Plants

Delight the senses with fragrant plants in your garden. We usually appreciate flowers with our eyes, as we admire their colors and shapes. Scent may be invisible, but it adds an important dimension to the pleasures of gardening. With a bit of planning, the fragrant blossoms these plants and bulbs produce will give your garden that extra dimension, from spring's sweet Viburnums to exquisite midsummer Lilies to the last Roses of summer. Place them where you can enjoy their scent as you pass by.
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 Monarda didyma Grand Parade™ Monarda didyma Grand Parade™ SKU: S34311
From $19.00
 Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace' Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace' SKU: S34289
From $19.00
 Nepeta 'Chartreuse on the Loose' Nepeta 'Chartreuse on the Loose' SKU: S34568
From $18.00
 Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' SKU: S34565
From $18.00
 Nepeta 'Walker's Low' Nepeta 'Walker's Low' SKU: S34580
From $18.00
 Nicotiana 'Lime Green' Nicotiana 'Lime Green' SKU: S76782
From $12.00
 Nicotiana alata Nicotiana alata SKU: S76795
From $12.00
 Nicotiana alata 'Crimson Bedder' Nicotiana alata 'Crimson Bedder' SKU: S76781
From $12.00
 Origanum 'Kent Beauty' Origanum 'Kent Beauty' SKU: S35006
From $17.00
 Phlox 'Fashionably Early Crystal' Phlox 'Fashionably Early Crystal' SKU: S36007
From $18.00
 Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' SKU: S36023
From $19.00
 Phlox paniculata 'David' Phlox paniculata 'David' SKU: S36036
From $17.00
 Primula denticulata 'Alba' Primula denticulata 'Alba' SKU: S36953
From $16.00
 Primula vulgaris Primula vulgaris SKU: S36991
From $16.00
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